The Password Game


About The Password Game

The Password Game is a word-guessing party game that has been popular for many years. The game was originally created by Bob Stewart and aired on television during the 1960s and 1970s. Since then, it has been adapted into various board games, card games, and party activities.


The main objective of the Password game is to help teammates guess a secret word based on a series of one-word clues given by a designated "clue-giver."

How to Play:

  1. Setup: Divide players into two teams. Each team has a "clue-giver" and one or more "guessers."

  2. Secret Word: The teams take turns selecting a secret word that only the clue-giver from the opposite team can see. The word is usually displayed on a screen or hidden from the guessers.

  3. Clue-Giving: The clue-giver must provide one-word clues to help their team guess the secret word. The clue must not contain any part of the secret word, rhymes, or multiple-word hints. For example, if the secret word is "apple," the clue-giver cannot say "fruit," "red," or "tree."

  4. Guessing: The guessers from the caregiver's team try to guess the secret word based on the one-word clue given.

  5. Time Limit: To add excitement, there is often a time limit for each round. If the guessers correctly identify the secret word within the time limit, the team earns a point.

  6. Rotation: The teams take turns being the clue-givers and guessers, and the game continues with new secret words until a set number of rounds or points are reached.

Password is a fun and engaging game that encourages creative thinking and word association. It's a great choice for social gatherings, parties, or as an icebreaker activity.


How to play The Password Game

Use mouse

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