In Dino Simulator City Attack, set in the year 2024, humans and dinosaurs coexist in urban environments, but not everything is peaceful. You’ll step into the massive claws of various dinosaur species, wreaking havoc in a free-roaming 3D world. Explore, crush buildings, leap over obstacles, and complete different missions in each level. This exciting game allows you to play as your favorite dinosaur and take control of its power to dominate the city.
If you’ve ever dreamed of being a massive, rampaging dinosaur, Dino Simulator City Attack offers the perfect experience. With its 3D graphics, variety of dinosaurs to control, and the ability to unleash chaos across a city, the game delivers an exhilarating and fun-filled adventure. Whether you’re looking to satisfy your destructive urges or complete challenging missions, Dino Simulator City Attack is sure to keep you entertained for hours. Take control of your favorite dinosaur, and let the city tremble beneath your feet!
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