Raft Wars is a beloved physics-based action-adventure game that combines humor, strategy, and adventure. Created by Martijn Kunst and originally hosted on BubbleBox, the game invites players to join Simon, a young boy who discovers hidden treasure on a beach, and his brother, as they defend their newfound fortune from pirates, thieves, and other adversaries. The game’s quirky storyline, intuitive controls, and playful graphics have cemented its place as a fan favorite.
Gameplay and Features
- Strategic Battles: Engage in turn-based combat by aiming and firing projectiles at enemies while factoring in wind and distance for precision shots.
- Upgradable Arsenal: Earn gold by winning battles to purchase better weapons, such as grenades and rockets, or enhance your raft’s defenses.
- Charming Characters: Play as Simon and his brother, whose witty banter and antics add a layer of comedy to the game.
- Varied Enemies: Face off against a range of foes, including pirates, Vikings, and rival treasure hunters, each bringing unique challenges.
- Progressive Levels: Navigate through increasingly challenging stages as you work to protect your treasure from being stolen.
How to Play Raft Wars
- Aim and Fire: Use the mouse or touchscreen to aim at enemies. Adjust the angle and power of your shots to hit targets effectively.
- Strategize: Consider wind direction and strength when planning your shots to maximize accuracy and damage.
- Upgrade: Spend your earnings on better weapons and stronger rafts to prepare for tougher battles ahead.
- Defend Your Treasure: Eliminate all enemies in each level to advance and ensure your treasure remains safe.